
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Caturday - My Gotchaversary!

 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Gotchaversary Caturday to me, well and to mum too. 

It has been a whole 11 years since mum brought me home from the shelter. I'm living the good life with mum. Good foods, a warm and comfy home. Lots of loves and cuddles. 

Mum doesn't have anything planned for today. It is supposed to snow and then get really cold on Sunday. Then finally the temps are supposed to get a bit warmer finally. No more of the deep freeze. 

So here are some of the first pics mum took of me when I moved in, a couple even from her first visit to me at the shelter. I was a quiet guy but she picked me anyway!

UTB with lazer eyes! This is where I first headed when mum opened the PTU. Although I had a toilet roll to play with, Derby had left it there.
First official pic at home. Mum opened the PTU door and then just let me come out when I was ready. She knew not to rush things and make me upset.
Inspection time at the shelter. Even though I just sat there, mum liked me anyway. 

So here is to many more years with mum. 

Miss Michelle, yep, we watched the flying boats on Friday night, Caturday afternoon for you. Nice to see the warm and sunny day!

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.


  1. Hello Ducky and Mum - there's another 2 flying boat races on Sunday for me/Saturday for you.

    In the previous Americas Cup (held in Burmuda a few years ago - we won!) they had flying boats that were also catamarans/twin hulled boats, and the New Zealand Team had their grinders cycling away using their legs instead of grinding away with their arms. It was fun to watch too - especially as whenever each boat changed tack(direction) their skipper and most of the crew had to run across the netting between the 2 hulls.

    The days are getting noticeably shorter here so Spring then Summer aren't too far away for you! Keep warm and stay safe, Michelle in Wgtn, NZ.

  2. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! Eleven years, where does the time go!

  3. Hey Ducky - I don't know why you feel the need to apologise for being a quiet kind of chap. That's not something to apologise for - it's something to be proud of.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Happy 11th Gotcha Day, Ducky! What a sweet bunch of pictures, too. Stay warm this weekend, no matter what you do.

  5. Happy Gotchaversary, Ducky!
    Look at your baby photo; so adorable!

  6. Happy Gotcha Day!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Happy Gotcha Day Ducky!!! We enjoyed those early pics!

  8. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! You and your Mom both lucked out!

    Tama and Genji

  9. Happy Gotchaversary, Ducky! We're so glad you and your mum got together.

    Hey, guess what? We got THUNDERSNOW tonight!

  10. A Very Happy Gotcha Day Ducky! We are so glad you found a wonderful forever home! Purrs buddy and keep warm both of you

  11. Happy Gotcha Day Ducky ! And many more together with Mom !

  12. happee bee lated dood....we haz been off de grid fora few we hope yur day total lee rocked, ya getted inta trubull, ya had sum shrimp and steak, hope ewe N joyed yur day & heerz ta 11 mor with yeerz a head filled with happeez N healtheez ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


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