
Saturday, February 20, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Woohoo, it is the weekend, not that weekends matter that much around here. 

Mum attended the Annual Birthday Bash for some of her furiends last night. Not the usual party at the dance club but online and Zoom. Mum is no longer a Zoom virgin! A few kits made their appearance and so did I! A couple of woofies too, but mum didn't get pics of them all. But we heard the barks.

Mum liked it cuz she didn't have to drive anywhere, didn't have to buy drinks and not worry about drinking and driving! Although it was hard to visit with just a couple people, there was only one topic that mum wasn't into that much. 

Me? Well I did make my appearance and then wandered off to nap. Mum didn't stay on the party long and went to watching the sailing races. Miss Michelle, mum has been into watching the sailing races for a long time. She even remembers getting up in the middle of the night to watch when they were in Perth many years ago. We is happy that the You-Kay boat won a race, we hope they win a few more.

Me staring mum down. I think you need to give me treats, now, lots and lots of treats. Yummy, yummy treats. Plus mum went and got her toes painted a funky blue. Mum is planning on staying home the rest of the weekend.

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.


  1. How nice of you to make a Zoom appearance Ducky!

  2. That was fun that you got to join in, Ducky.

  3. First of all, I'm new here, so let me introduce myself, I'm Dori. *wavy paws* Also I like yoor blue toes. *giggles behind paws* And third of all... my momma did one zoomie with her author friends and said absolutely never again because she refuses to put on mascara and lipstick at ten a.m. on a Sunday when them crazy ladies want to zoom. Honestly, hoomons are so strange.

  4. Ducky - you were by far the best looking pusscat in the whole Zoom meeting.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. My human likes Zoom parties (although, truth be told, she prefers in person ones, and can't wait until they're safe again). We are doing a Zoom Pet First Aid workshop this week!

  6. Dad's most recent job interview was a series of Zoom meetings. He says he preferred that to the typical in-person ones, and thinks Zooms are going to be the thing for a while to come. Sure hope you got lots and lots of treats, Ducky.

  7. Dad would not look forward to Zoom job interviews so is glad to be retired. Purrs friends

  8. Our mom still hasn't done a Zoom anything. She would definitely need a cat filter if she did! We're glad you and your mum had some fun with it.

  9. That is a nice shade of blue :-D And great photo of you. Glad she had a good time Zooming!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.