
Monday, March 1, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

With their qualities of cleanliness, discretion, affection, patience, dignity, and courage, how many of us, I ask you, would be capable of being cats? - Fernand Mery

Mum might make it as a cat. Well, she is a bit deficient in cleanliness. She hates to clean!

 Me and mum were bummed to find out yesterday that Spitty had taken off for The Bridge. Mum got all leaky eyed and made my furs wet. Spitty was a grand dude and we will miss him lots. 

Enjoying the sunshine coming through the windows and underneath me is a nip mouse. Mum got a video of me enjoying it. 

Otherwise me and mum had a quiet weekend. Lots of snow melting too. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.


  1. How nice to see you playing, Ducky. Do you think spring is on its way to your house? I think it is here.

  2. Yes, I agree - Spitty is a great loss to us all.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Ducky, you've molded your body to get maximum sunpuddle exposure!
    We have the sads about Spitty too.

  4. You sure look sun happy Ducky! Thinking of Spitty still makes us cry.

  5. I am very sad that Spitty has made his journey to the Bridge. That is a sweet video of you playing with Mousie in the sun puddle.

  6. Ducky, it was so great to see you having some fun in the sunpuddle. You were having such an excellent time. Thanks for sharing. Have a pawsome rest of your week.
    World of Animals Rittenhouse

  7. Spitty's loss made our mom cry too. We're glad you got lots of sun to enjoy.

  8. I’m pretty sad about Spitty too. He was one of a kind. ~Ernie

  9. Nothing better than a sunpuddle. OK, dinner. But sunpuddles still matter.

  10. Sorry about Spitty. Great video of you :-D

  11. We were really sad about Spitty too and dad needed a lot of tissues. Great to see you enjoying the sun. We have melty too

  12. Hi Ducky and Janet, I wanted to stop by and let you know how much Spitty and I loved both of you! It is sweet that you remembered Spitty in your post today and I thank you. I imagine maybe he's met your Derby over the Bridge, don't you think? I really liked watching your movie, Ducky! It helps me to see handsome happy boy kitties having a good time ;-) And I had my second shot yesterday!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.