
Monday, March 15, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

With my cat, I don't need an alarm clock. I just wish I could figure out how to turn her off on the weekends.

MOL, I usually don't wake up mum any day of the week. She is pretty good about getting up at a decent time most days. Even after staying up late watching flying boats and hiding the hour in the clock. 

Here is the blankie mum finished last week and she took the final shot and put it away in the closet. She has lots of finished blankies hiding there.
The griller machine got used on Caturday afternoon. Mum got a nice burger done and ate it with a nice salad.

Had a nice day yesterday. I took advantage of the sunny day to get some zen moments. Nice to have a good spot to just chill out.

The other day I mentioned mum was done with blankies and would start on hats. Well, she did do a few hats, but then pulled a bunch of yarn out to start another blankie. Says there is too much sports on to watch, so good for blankies. Hats she has to pay attention while she does them for counting stitches. 

Happy week. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.


  1. Oooooh, zen moments, plentiful sunshine, a grilled burger- sure sounds like a weekend in total bliss, my friend! Ours was pretty relaxed as usual, but dad made me go outside with him for a walk, and we were out for an extra long time. He ended up having to carry me back part way until I recognized the house. Once I saw we were close I had no problem walking (quite briskly, I might add) back and going inside. Have a great week!

  2. Boy your Mom is talented!!! Wish I could do that! The burger looks delicious and of course YOU are delicious! Love the photo with you and the curtain, beautiful!

  3. My human knows how to crochet, but everything she's ever made turned out curly at the edges. So she admires people who can do it right!

  4. Sunshine and a burger, sounds like a good weekend.

  5. Great burger and a gorgeous looking blanket. My knitting is going faster as I watch the flying boats in the late afternoon. Will today see a winner - or will there not be enough wind for racing yet again .....
    Take care, stay safe, and smile! Michelle in Wellington, New Zealand

  6. That blankie sure is a pretty one Ducky and I'll bet that burger smelled good!

  7. We like the colors of that new one! Did you get a bite of that burger?

  8. Your mum is so good at crocheting, Ducky. That blanket is really nice.

  9. That is a pretty blanket and we hope to see some more. Nice grill work and looks like you kept watch too Ducky

  10. That is a great looking burger, Ducky. I hope you got some.

    Sydney, Australia


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