
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Puzzle Thursday

 Spring must really be here, we even had a thunder boom and flash last night. Just as me and mum settled down into the sleepy spot for the night. Plus we saw four robins all at the same time, so not just seeing the one robin over and over again. 

OK mum, time for some play and treats! Please?

Mum put out a new wind sock the other day. The St Pat one is done and the one with the Easter eggs is out. Nice and windy so it is flying well. 

With the warmer weather and rain, the daffs are really pushing up out of the ground. Soon we will have more flowers.

What is left of the crocus on the bottom and the new daffs on top.

Mum checked on the girls, they are not ready to make their debut for the season yet. Virginger is 15 years old now and well, she enjoys her comfort. She is thinking maybe she might just retire from the gardening snoopervision

Puzzles- One of Mr Cardinal, one of Virginger back when she first arrived in 2006 and one of sleepy me. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can (Mum gets her second shot today)

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  1. Isn't it wonderful to be heading for lively warm days? We love your photos today, Ducky!

    Purrs and Woofs,
    Tama and Ollie

  2. Hooray for Spring! You sure look cute with those front paws stretched out Ducky!

  3. I like all the flowers, and I like your stretchy out paws, Ducky. Thanks for the puzzles.

  4. Great photos and we love seeing the flowers coming up. Virginger may be happy snoopervising in the house for a change. She still looks ready to go

  5. Thanks for the puzzles; will play later.
    Anything coming up right now in our garden, was planted by squirrels!

  6. Dad says there must've been dozens and dozens of robins on the lawns on his walk home from work the other day. We get all kinds of visitors out here. If it's not the burds it's deer and those darn wild turkeys.

  7. Spring is on the way. Nice wind sock too :-D


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.