
Monday, May 24, 2021

Mini-Mancat Monday

Any conditioned cat-hater can be won over by any cat who chooses to make the effort. - Paul Corey

Yep, I try that but most of mum's furiends like kitties so I'm good there. Now her brother Uncle Stormy, well that is another story. He is a hard nut to crack. Plus he doesn't visit often. 

Mum did take it easy this weekend. No yard work, very little house work. A bit of dust can wait for a day or two. She did go out to return library books on Caturday and came home with ice cream bars on a hot day. Yep, I got some licks. 

Come on mum, sit down in the reading chair and just chill. We can watch fevvers or yeah, we both can take a few naps. Naps are good,

 Have a good week everyone!


  1. Relaxing days are good. Spring still refuses to arrive here with cold temperatures and heavy rain.

  2. Ducky, we had a lazy weekend too, but I still managed to get through a couple of audiobooks, and ordered a pile of books of my favorite authors. Normally, I just check them out from the library, but since I correspond with these people, I should put some $ in their pockets, right?

  3. dood....we hope ewe N mum haza grate week a head two and tell virginger N de galz we said hi....heerz hopin ewe get MOR mice creem, MOR napz and NOE burd veewin ;) ☺☺♥3

  4. A quiet day to chill and relax sounds purrfect ! Purrs

  5. I'm glad you had a really relaxing and quiet weekend Ducky!

  6. Sounds like you had a great weekend, Ducky, especially since you got some licks of ice cream.

  7. Glad you got some ice cream. :)

  8. Yes that is true but what is wrong with anyone who does not love cats. That is a really nice round bed


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