
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Puzzle Thursday

 Yep, gotten really nice. Mum keeps the window in the sleepy spot open all night, same thing for the kitch-hen window. Front and back windows open during the day. A few rain showers and even a couple of rumbles of thunder. 

Mum went flower shopping on Monday, she went to the actual flower place. She got all sorts of stuff and got them put into the ground on Monday and Tuesday. She is watering them even though we did get a bit of rain. 


Me? I am just chilling watching her work! Then I sit on her so she relaxes too!


preview70pieceIMG_4327 preview63pieceRWBflowers


  1. Beautiful flowers!!!! It's good that you make your Mom relax after all her gardening!! Thanks for the puzzles.

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Those look really pretty, Ducky! #1 has been very tempted, but minding the garden may be a bit complicated for her this summer.

    Tama and Benny

  3. Humans adore being catbeds, Ducky!
    I'll puzzle these soon, and thanks.

  4. Those are sure pretty flowers and I hope you enjoy your snoozy Ducky!

  5. The flowers are pretty. We had a dry day at last yesterday so I planted some of my flowers. We are back to gales and heavy rain so the rest will have to wait.

  6. Those are beautiful flowers yer Mom chose, Ducky! We recognize the petunias and Celosia, but dont know the tall green-flowers. Are those in the upper left oriental lilies?

    TBT put our seedlings outside in dappled light ta get used ta some of Mr Sun today. Hopefully, they will be ready to take full Mr Sun in a few days.

    We kept them inside longer than usual because this May has the the driest in a century, so we thought we would help them grow inside and regularly watered.

    You look like you are doin some VERY relaxed snoopervising!

  7. What a nice selection of beautiful flowers mom picked out Ducky. We really liked seeing you all chill for that fun puzzle. Have a supurr weekend friends

  8. Beautiful flowers. Thank you for the puzzles.

  9. Those flowers are gorgeous, so colorful ! Purrs


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