
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Puzzle Garden Thursday

 Another week has past, mum is out watering the new plants she planted. Gotta make sure they start to grow in our garden. Mum says she thinks they are taking and don't look all wilted or anything. 

Mum has some guys here yesterday. The first guy came and fixed the plug in outside in the back. Now the fevver bath won't freeze up in the winter. Mum says she can use the blower to clean all the maple seeds off too. Then the tree guy showed up and mum pointed out where part of the ash tree is deaded, so that will get cut out. He looked at the spruce and said they are OK. Since they are coming anyway mum is going to have them take out the little deaded stuff from the crabby apple tree and also take away the old tree stump.

Going to get all hot here in the next few days mum says we are all set. The air chiller and fans are at the ready. 

The Pee-o-knees are starting to bloom as well. That makes mum happy. 

Me? I am just hanging with mum inside and watching her while she is outside. 

Puzzles are the flowers and me!

preview48pieceduckyposed preview80piecepinkpeeoknee preview80piecepeeokee


  1. The pee o knees are pretty. I have got most of my flowers planted now. Just a few left to fill any gaps I have missed. Thanks for the puzzles.

  2. Our peonies are blooming too...time to time them up!

  3. dood...chillax inn side fora whilez; itz gonna getz crazed hot heer az much for de 38 hourz oh SPRING !!!! pee o kneez bee a bloomin heer two, but thatz bout it sew far ~~~~ :) happee week oh end two ewe N mum ☺☺♥♥

  4. Such pretty flowers and we love those big eyes!

  5. Beautiful blooms. Thank you for the puzzles.

  6. Love your flowers and you look adorable Ducky

  7. Oh Ducky, these flowers are beauties, but your photo is absolutely gorgeous!


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