
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Puzzle Garden Thursday

 YAWN, STRETCH. Yeah, sorry. I am late. I forgots to remind mum to set up my post last night. Oh well, guess we were both tired. 

A bit rainy but that is OK, helping the drought situation. Things are growing and blooming. The grass isn't crunchy anymore. 

Oh yeah. I mentioned mum had leveled off the grass. No, she didn't put down dirt to make the land all level, she just was using the grass eater to chop the grass off. Mum knows where the lumpy parts of the yard are and steps carefully there. 

Our one planter out front, filled with all sorts of plants. Looking very lush!

Hmmm, nice handsome lad here! Mum's favorite kittie!


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  1. The plant looks amazing Ducky, and your portrait...WOW!

  2. dood....ewe iz one handsum lad !!!!! and hay.. tell mum that flowerz iz AWESUM !!!! trooth :) happee week end two ewe both :) ♥♥

  3. Ladycats the world over are sighing over your handsome visage, Ducky!

  4. Beautiful plants and you are most handsome. Thank you for the puzzles.

  5. Aww those plants are gorgeous and colourful :-D Looking good Ducky :-D

  6. Ducky those very nice plants are lush but you are luscious

  7. That is a very handsome portrait, Ducky.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.