
Monday, August 2, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

We cannot without becoming cats, perfectly understand the cat mind. - St. George Mivart

Things are getting back to normal here. Mum has caught up with her sleeps so she feels much better. 

Yes I got ham after mum shopped the other day and I also got some chick-hen on Sunday. She bought a few wings. Plus she bought a tuna sammich on Friday and I got some tastes of that too. I had a pretty good weekend when it came to foods. 

Me and mum watched the horsies chasing over the countryside from Toyko. It was a long time to watch all of the riders, over 60 of them. Plus there is more to come with them jumping today. Mum won't be watching it live, she won't get up in the middle of the night to watch. 

Yeah I will snuggle on your lap while we watch. 

 Plus it was super nice out on Sunday so the windows were open, gentle breezes and a wonderful place to nap. 

Have a good week everyone!




  1. Glad that your keeping your mum company while she watches the Lympics, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. dood....we agreez....ewe getted sum grate nomz thiz week; well ALL MOST 100 purrcent.....we noe ewe noe oh what we speek....


    hope yur week a head iz grate; it waz a nice SUN day heer two !! ☺☺♥♥

  3. I'm glad you got ham Ducky! We watches some of the horses too, especially since one of our blogger pals is working with the horses over there.

  4. Sounds like the purrfect weekend, Ducky. Good foods…open windows…and horsies!

  5. Ducky, it's amazing the way your ginger fur changes color!
    It's light orange, then are so handsome...*wink*

  6. Glad you enjoyed it with your mum :-D


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.