
Saturday, September 25, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. I think I can report that things are pretty much back to normal with my eating and such. I have been liking all the chick-hen I have been getting. Mum puts some in my bowl then covers it with my regular gooshy foods. So that means I have to eat through the regular stuff to get to the chick-hen. 

 Mum has been doing the crow-shay. Above you can see the start of a new blankie. She gave herself a day off after finishing the first one of the season that you can see below. Nice fall colors mum. 

Mum was checking one of the local shelters the other night. No she is not thinking of getting me a fursib, but it appears she is up for adoption! MOL.

Mum will be a bit bizzy today. She has to get foods and then even off the grass in the back yard. Neither of those things will take her long so then she can come and snuggle with me. 

Plus me and mum want to wish Happy Purrthday to Grampie in heaven. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


  1. Happy to read that you are eating well, Ducky, but will still send a few more purrs your way to bank.

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  3. Normal is good Ducky, keep eating. WOW, is Janet getting ready to move in?

  4. I’m glad you’re doing better, Ducky. Janet is kinda cute…I hope she finds a home soon.

  5. So glad to hear all is back to normal Ducky <3 My cats are all good, just us pesky humans. 3 of us have had a bad cold, we all tested negative for covid! In Scotland, at this time of year, there are lots of nasty bugs going about...colds and such.

  6. Your human is very smart, putting the chicken underneath your regular food, Ducky.

  7. Ahh, the food trickery of humans. Say, do you think your mum will come over here to teach my mom her crocheting skills? Mom tried a while ago, but left her project in a heap on a shelf in the back room. Says she got tired of not being able to do it good. I will say, she's not the most patient human in the world.

  8. Ducky we are so happy you are doing well and we know Mom is happy too. That is a really pretty blanket and we would love it as it is getting cold here


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