
Monday, September 20, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Nominative, cat. Vocative, puss. - Archbishop Whately

I refuse to be a part of the grammar police. Whatever I am, I am. 

Yeah, I had my adventure. While my vet has urgent care hours on Sunday they are by appointment. You can't just show up. Mum didn't know that, so she started driving there and called them to be told that they could see me over an hour from when she called. So we came back home and mum left me in the carrier! She didn't want me to run off and hide. 

So the reason mum took me is that I haven't been eating much for the past 3-4 days and not much of anything the past two. Of course mum assumes the worst. She couldn't even tempt me with tuna!

So we got there for our time slot and went into the room right away. They weighed me and I have lost weight again. Down to 6 pounds 15 ounces! So they took me back to the treatment room and stole some of my bloods to test, my pee too. Mum came prepared for a wait, she brought a book along to read while she waited.

 So, nothing wrong inside like mum would think. No blockages, lumps and such that shouldn't be there. So the stabby lady said she thought I would need is some fluids, anti-nausea stuff, so that is what I got. They also sent home an appetite stimulant and some foods they tempted me with and I seemed to sort of be interested in. 

So we got home and mum let me out of the carrier. I went into the kitch-hen and chowed down on the chick-hen mum had cooked for me last night. I ate it all up and then she put out some more for me! During the evening I ate that too. Once that was gone, more gooshy foods came out.

Plus after I got home I did just wander around the house. I didn't head to my cat cup to sleep like I  had been doing most of the time. So mum thinks that is good too. Mum says she will be really happy when she sees that I produced some output too! MOL. 

Thanks for all your purrs, mum is just being super careful with me.

Feetsball Report

The Pack doesn't play until tonight. Mum didn't watch any of the Sunday games. She did watch the first part of the show on Ali!


  1. Eat. Eat, eat, eat, eat. Darn, you are almost down to my size, and my size is natural fer me. ~ AYLA

  2. I'm glad your vet visit helped you feel better, Ducky.

  3. I am glad you have started eating, Ducky and please continue to do so. I didn't realise you were that small. You are nearly as small as Kit was. She was 5 pounds at her heaviest.

  4. I am glad you are eating again.

  5. I am so worried when mine don't eat too! I am so glad you are okay Ducky don't scare your mum!

  6. Praying all is ok, have you gotten your bloodwork back yet? It might be Brian has (Cody had it too but we didn't find that out until after his botched biopsy)......Cody had dropped to 7 lbs. Please keep us posted xoxo

  7. We're glad you're feeling better ! Purrs

  8. I’m purring that you feel better, Ducky. Eat up!!

  9. I'm sure glad you chowed down Ducky, that's always a really good sign. Purrs from all of us!

  10. We are glad you seem to be more interested in eating, Ducky ! We understand why your Mom worried and wanted to take you to the vet. Isn't it odd how these emergency trips happen on the weekend ?

  11. My human would be worried. But if you are eating so much again that is good.

  12. Ducky we are sure glad you are now eating again and hope you keep it up. You are a bit slim my friend and have to put on some weight for winter. Healing Purrs and prayers from our house Ducky!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.