
Thursday, September 9, 2021

Mo' Cats Day

 Back in the early days of the cats on the blogosphere some dude said there should be a no cats day. Pfft. At least that is what Derby said, not NO CATS but MO CATS. So today we have to have MO CATS on our innerwebs today. Mum looked it up and it started way back in 2009!

So lots of pics of me and Derby!

That is it for today gang. Derby gets the last laff!


  1. Yes, absolutely - you can never have enough cats on the innerwebs.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. This is a PAWSOME Mo Cats Day post! We love seeing the two of you together. We sure miss Derby and we know you do too.

  3. Way to go, Ducky! Love how you posted LOTS of cat pictures on the innerwebs today! Great seeing the ones of Derby.

  4. de mo catz de better !!!! we N joyed see in theez fotoz two day doodz....we cracked up at de fridge one :) ♥♥☺☺☺

  5. Mo Cats Day is a good day every old day Ducky!

  6. Good for Derby ! "Mo Cats !" is right. You two certainly were a handsome pair of orange mancats.

  7. Such sweet photos. Happy Mo Cats Day! XO

  8. So nice to see all these photos…especially Derby!

  9. What a great bunch of Mo Cats! Love it! We now have it on our calendar for next year! Loved seeing Derby. And you too Ducky!

  10. OH! How did we miss Mo Cats Day!
    A thousand pardons, we'll make sure to remember next year.
    The photos of you both are delightful; thanks for sharing them.

  11. Aww great photos :-D

    That dude didn't realise how awesome cats are :-D <3


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