
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thursday, Late Again!

 ::sigh:: Mum forgot again last evening to help with my post. She crawled off to her sleepy spot early and never even though of it. Even after I climbed all over her. What is a cat to do!

Well, I can have some nice long naps. I like being on the tower to nap during the summer. Plus you can see the wide open window behind me. The really hots seem to have gone but we still get some nice warmer days.

Mum has started on her newest crochet blankie. Nice colors for fall and nice colors to go with a ginger kittie! Mum says the color name is Cinnamon.

She finished on all the hats. You saw the kiddie sized  hats on Monday. Well, here are the bigger head hats. Mum dumped them out on the floor, then started to make piles of 5 to make them easy to count. Hmmm, 20 piles of 5, plus 1. Holy, smoley mum. That is one hundred and one hats! As you can see I was snoopervising the operation. That will make for a lot of warm heads this winter.

Oh and remember, cleaning is good for  us!


  1. It is almost hat and blankie season Ducky!

  2. Think of all of the grateful ears that will be warm because of your mom's hats, Ducky!

  3. That's a lot of pretty colorful hats ! Purrs

  4. I really like the color of that blanket Ducky. Clean feet show a true clean cat my friend. Those are neat hats is Mom donating them?

  5. Great photos Ducky and love the video too! My cats enjoy cleaning..I call it their bath or shower haha!


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