
Monday, November 22, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats' whiskers are so sensitive, they can find their way through the narrowest crack in a broken heart.

I am needing all of my whiskers today for peoples who are hurting today. Yesterday near us someone drove through people in a Christ-mouse purrade hitting people in the purrade and people just watching. As mum helps me write this we don't know the exact number of people hurt or if anyone died. Please join me in sending purrs to those who are hurting. 

Feetsball Report - The Pack lost to the ViQueens. It was a close game. 

Have a good week.


  1. My human saw about that earlier. How horrible!

  2. We have been reading about that. Why are people so awful?

    Soft Purrs,
    Tama and Benny

  3. I read about that earlier. So many lives ended and people hurt. How can people do such a thing?

  4. Ducky we saw that on the news - our huMom has been sending purrayers their way.

  5. We saw this on the news. Such a sad thing. I purr for all those affected.

  6. That was a horrible day, we send prayers and hugs up your way.


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