
Monday, November 29, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

There is, incidentally, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person. - Dan Greenberg

Ha! No wonder there are crazy cat lady people and crazy cat dad's too. 

Now I am going to comment on those of you who feel that mum should come home from her furiends with leftovers for me. No, it is there food and neither me nor mum think we should ask for a to go box to bring home. If one is offered that is different. Mum says they have to use green papers to get all that food and they deserve to keep it to eat themselves. 

Mum got a nice selfie with just a little bit of her when I was sitting on her boobities and soaking up the sun yesterday morning.
 The hanging out with mum watching the feetsball game and snoopervising the crow-shay.
The mum got an arial shot of me on her lap with the crow-shay. Mum wasn't happy with me as the blankie is now so big she can't flip it easily to when she gets to the end of a row. I am not happy that I get disturbed so she can flip the blankie. I finally get tired to getting moved so then I leave for a while. 

An update on the sad news from a week ago. Some crazy guy drove into a Christ-mouse purrade on purpose. He is in jail. Sadly six people got killed, five adults and one eight year old boy. Sixty people were hurt in some way and seven kids are still in the healing place, 18 had been there a week ago. We continue to send lots of comforting purrs to all those affected. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - They played much better this week and beat the ramming team from LaLa Land. Even with ARodg and his broken toe they did OK. Mum didn't use any words from the bad word list which means it was a pretty good game. 

Bucky Badger - they played the Golden Rodent team from Mini-Soda and lost. They didn't look that good, not like some other games. If they had won they would have play in the Big 10 champion game on next Caturday. Oh well, they probably will still end up with a bowl game someplace. 

Have a good week, less than a month until Santa comes! Plus Happy Hanukkah to all those kits and humans who cellybrate!


  1. Oh Ducky, you and those glorious colors go so well together. That Christmas Parade news was terribly terribly sad indeed.

  2. I agree Ducky. When you visit you don't ask to take food away with you. If it is offered that is different.
    That was a terrible act at the Christmas parade.

  3. You look so happy snoozing on your mom.

  4. We have the sads for the folks hurt or killed in that act of hatred.
    Sweetie likes to sit on my boobities too, Ducky, and she purrs and purrs.

  5. I love that blanket, Ducky. The colors are so vibrant.

  6. You look fabulous and oh so happy Ducky!

  7. good to see you Ducky! Love the Menorah, thank you!


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