
Monday, December 20, 2021

Mini ManCat Monday

Cats could have ruled the universe but couldn't be bothered.

Yeah, that might be too much work. You know if we cats really wanted to be in charge we could do it. Actually we are in charge, you humans are doing all the work for us! MOL!

Mum got a couple of nice shots of me yesterday while I was hanging out on her lap. The sun was shining in the windows and it showed off my furs really nice. I sort of just glow!

Sending lots of purrs to Truffle and Brulee's mum Miss Paula. Her mum went to heaven on Caturday, Sending lots of comforting purrs. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - Played an OK game and won. They started out slow, pretty much like they have all year. Mum tried to behave and not yell nasty words at the moving picture box when they mess up. She is trying to reform cuz she has been invited to a game watching party in a few weeks! They play again on Catruday. Hey, that is Christ-mouse day mum! Do they really play a game that day? Mum says yep!

Plus with their win yesterday they are confirmed to get to the playoffs. They are the Central Division champs!

Have a good week since Santa Claws will be here soon. Try to make sure your beans keep calm. If not, go sit on them and purr!


  1. Those are nice photos. In the second one the sun gives your fur a pinkish tinge.

  2. Ducky, you give good advice; keep your bean calm!
    We have the sads for Paula too.
    The Detroit Lions won their game this weekend; guess Hell has frozen over.

  3. Very nice shots of you, Ducky. I’m sending comforting purrs to Miss Paula. I know she is very sad about her mom. ~Ernie

  4. More gorgeous pics of you Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Those are lovely shots of you, Ducky. They especially show off your whiskers well!

    Tama and Benny

  6. Yeah, OK, we cant open the cans of Stinkey Goodness. But we control TBT who can. He opens then on demand. Well, enough dancing around him and he does. He assumes we are actually hungry whenever we ask for food.

    We just love ta eat. Marley isn't 18 pounds because he is starved, MOL! Lori is gaining ounces every day.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.