
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Happy Ground Hog's Day. Maybe the rodents around the country can do better on predicting the weather than the weather guessers on the moving picture box. 

Also Happy Chinese or Lunar New Year. It is the year of the Tiger!

Like I said Monday, I will turn this over to mum to talk about her books. 

Going back to the beginning of when I started posting the library books I had checked out. This started in May 2020 after the library reopened for curb side pickup of books. Those of us on FaceBook were sharing what we were reading because we all needing to share stuff to do while we were stuck home!

Our library software system allows patrons to request books online and put a hold on them. I had been doing this since I broke my ankle in November 2019. No wandering the stacks for me. Plus many of the books I want to read are not always at my own library.

So once all of my requests are in, all I have to do is get to the circulation desk, get my books and go. Since I was on the library board for 10 years some of the staff remember me, so they see me and they go get my books. During curb side only pickup we also had to return books the outside drive up slot. No going inside at all for anything.

Plus with no new TV shows I went back and got the early seasons of NCIS and a few movies I wanted to watch.

I just read Michael Lewis' The Premonition this week.



  1. Whoa! That is some stockpile!
    And I've only read two books that you have: "The Day The World Came To Town" and "The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck"; both are great!
    Added a few of yours onto my tbr list; thanks.

  2. Happy Chinese New Year to you and your mum, Ducky. That is a great selection of books that she has.

  3. Happy Chinese New Year Ducky! WOW, that ought to keep your Mom busy for a week or two!

  4. Thank you for these pics, Ducky's Mum. I'm gonna look some of them up to see if they appeal. I do enjoy reading mysteries and I saw some in your piles, so they'll probably be the ones I look up first.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. The mom has so many books she wants to read…

  6. That's a lot of books! Could you tell us which are your favorites?


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