
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

As you can see I read both fiction and non-fiction. Just what interests me. Non-fiction is history, biography and memoir type books. Some current affair stuff as well. 

 Fiction, mostly mysteries, thriller type stuff. I laugh at the mysteries, small town, lots of deaths with a bit of romance thrown in. Would be a high crime rate if the place was real. Not sure I would want to live there. Entertaining quick reads.

Top picture the title is "Books Can Be Deceiving" in case you are interested.

Megan, my library puts that same note about how much the books checked out are worth. I like it because I compare it to how much I save not buying books and compare it to what I pay in property taxes which helps pay for the library. Plus a few years ago some of our local elected officials weren't supportive to the library. Shows them how much the local citizens are using the library. Below is my last checkout slip from 2021. No way I would have purchased these either. I can use that money for other things. I usually don't pay that much attention to it until the end of the year. 

They will also use it to announce programs and such. Although most programs are on hold due to the fact the sprinkler system broke last month and caused extensive damage in the large meeting room. Repairs are underway. 



  1. I only read books from my library, and like you a mix. I certainly could not afford to buy them. I do wonder if libraries will disappear though, as it is only usmiddle aged folks and young families using them.


  2. Our library does the same thing, reporting on how much money I've saved by checking out books instead of buying them.
    The only book in your stacks that I've read is "Educated", which was very thought-provoking.

  3. It's interesting how many of the "cozy" murder mysteries revolve around librarians or bookshop owners.

  4. That's a bunch of nice books and you sure have a nice library!

  5. That is very cool how they put that on there! That's quite the collection of reads, I must say. Mom and dad occasionally have similar tastes, but dad typically goes more for the creepier, thriller-ier types. He says the gorier, the better. Mom just likes a good story.

  6. Fabulous to see these pics. Thanks for sharing. I also enjoy 'cosy' murder mysteries, although I have developed a strong preference for UK authors and publishers over American ones. To be at all realistic it seems that American authors have to include drugs and guns in their stories, and those things are a real turnoff for me. (And yes, I appreciate the silliness of saying that I enjoy my murders not to include guns or drugs! LOL)

    I live in an area that has a very good local council. I am very satisfied with the quality and scope of services they provide. But I never miss an opportunity when they canvas residents for input to say how important the library is to me and how much I value it.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. The mom read (well, actually she listened because she likes audiobooks) Educated and loved it! Fascinating story because it’s true.

  8. #1 loved Educated. She is wondering how the Bolton book was? By the way, she always reads a lot of fiction written by or about people in other countries.

    Tama and benny


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