
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Books checked out in March and April 2021. So what I was reading a year ago.

Bag Man is about former Vice President Spiro Agnew. It is being made into a movie now. I also didn't particularly care for The Thursday Murder Club. Story was fine, maybe it was the author's style of writing. 

Megan, I did not care for The Crow Trap by Anne Cleaves, did not finish the book. I had to look back to see what it was about. I know I read the first part and then the end to see how it ended. Skipped the middle!

With the college basketball tournament going on, trying to balance, reading, crochet and TV watching. 



  1. Loved the notion of skipping the middle but still wanting to know how it ends! LOL

    Tell us about that bread book. What's therapeutic about bread?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I didn't get "The Crow Trap" either, even though I'd read the whole book.
    "The Thursday Murder Club" and "The Man Who Died Twice" were cute romps; an interesting take, I found. The third book in the series
    "The Bullet That Missed" is due out later this year.

  3. Good old Spiro, he was sure something!

  4. dood....pleez ta tell mum if her N joys mizz treez with a "cat flair"... ta look in two de Joe Grey by Shirley Rosseau Murphy .... seer eez; her mite like them ! :) ☺♥

    1. Shirley Rosseau Murphy is a member of the Cat Writers’ Association.


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