
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Check outs from April or so of 2021.

The Prince Philip book made it to the top of my list just about the time he passed. Good review of his life. Didn't get into the Harlan Coben book. It was the first of the series, so I passed on the rest. The Sara Driscoll book, Storm Rising, an FBI K-9 book and the third of the series. Some violence but not too bad. At least not nearly as bad as a couple of other K-9 based books I recently checked out.

Also began reading the Lady Darby series here, The Anatomist's Wife. I just finished reading the last one that has already been published. Now I wait for the next one to be published.

Megan, Bread Therapy, the kneading, the baking, the smell, the eating. I am a person who likes good bread. Unfortunately I have to watch my carb intake!

Also, if you have suggestions on books you like, or authors, please let me know. Even though my list is 8 pages long, always looking for a good book or author to add to the mix. I may or may not agree, but you are always welcome to suggest.

Weather is mostly cool, and rainy, so lots of time to read. Too soon to start yard work other than to pick up branches from the yard. Also did a shift at the food pantry yesterday, that kept me busy for a few hours. I only help out about once every three months.


  1. I might email some suggestions from my recent reading.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Okay, from the images posted today, I've read "The Midnight Library", which I enjoyed.
    I've added the following to my TBR list:
    The Woman Who Stole Vermer
    The Anatomist's Wife
    C. S. Harris's Sebastian St. Cry series
    Andrea Penrose's Wrexford & Sloane series
    C. J. Archer's Glass & Steele series
    Anne Perry's William Monk series
    Elly Griffith's Ruth Galloway series and Brighton Mysteries series
    That's for starters!

  3. dood...weatherz crazed heer two....we dinna see much oh de "gals" last yeer; will mum bring em back out oh hibernationz later ya think ? ☺♥

  4. Bread Therapy sounds like a good idea to us!

  5. Wonderful collection of reads, Ducky. Hey cool- my mom's in the midst of reading that "The Girl in the Mirror" one, too! Dad just finished a decidedly disappointing horror novel titled "Road of Bones", which garnered praises from the likes of Stephen King. I guess it's all about personal preferences, and mom says you can never rely on all those blurbs anyway.


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