
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Up to January of this year, 2022. These first few batches are mostly fiction from my usual group of authors. 

The Gift by Edith Eger who is a Holocaust survivor and psychologist. She has an earlier book, The Choice, where she outlines her story in Auschwitz. Both are very interesting.

Code Breaker is the story of Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna. Fascinating story of her life and career. She and her team developed the CRISPR gene to edit DNA. Author Walter Isaacson has also written books on Steve Jobs and others. 

Hooked is how the food industry gets us hooked on processed foods and why we eat them, even when we know better.

When the Stars Go Dark by Paula McLain. It took me a while to get into the story, but once I did it was a good book. I didn't finish Good Company.

I have a nice stack of books to work through during the holiday weekend. The library is closed for the weekend. So reading, watching race cars and probably a bit of yard work as well.


  1. Am on book #16 of a 17 book series; diligently listening to the audiobooks in order.
    At least the main character is a devoted cat person!

  2. dood...iz mum gonna watch de 500 !! ?? :) ♥

  3. Nice stack of goodies, I want to read Code Breaker.

  4. Where did you get that coffee mug ? It describes our huMom purrfectly !

  5. I just love the feeling of having been to the library and been able to walk away with a stack of books that I'm excited about reading and then stacking them up next to the bed. I know that I can only read one at a time but having a stack of 10 or 12 is wonderful.
    Sydney, Australia


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