
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 A few more of the Facebook favorites from last week. 

My Two Elaines by Martin Schreiber is a book about his wife and Alzheimer's. Schreiber was Wisconsin's governor for a while. Elaine has since passed. 

How a little black dress weaves it way through the lives of nine women.
Non-fiction and while true reads like a thriller. Saving ancient documents from Al Queda.
From one of my favorite non-fiction authors. Like all of his books.
I think this was the first book I ever read by Jennifer Robson. I have now read all of her books.
I was initially drawn to this book by the bright green color of the cover. First book I had read by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Now another favorite author.
Probably my longest time favorite novel. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I still have my paperback copy that I bought back in grade school. For a while I was reading it every year I liked it so much. I also have the DVD series where Colin Firth played Darcy. Probably the best adaptation of the book. Long enough to keep the details of the book.


  1. Me neither!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. The mom just finished The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and really enjoyed it. Now she’s on to a book called Lessons in Chemistry. So far, so good, she says. ~Ernie


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