
Monday, October 10, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

The more people I meet, the more I like my cat.

 Yeah, mum likes me and hangs with me a lot! 

I told you all about the stabby place visit last week and the tests came back faster than the vet man expected.

There was no cancer! Yippee, but some icky bacteria was growing there. It took a week to get all those results back and mum picked up drugs for me this past Wednesday. So I have been a tiny pill, plus some pink junk she tries to disguise with chicken and broth (doesn't work well mum). 

Anyway, mum thinks my issues are going away. Very little sneezing and she isn't noticing gunk coming from my nose! I guess that is good news. 

Here is the little pill I get, actually mum says it is half a pill, but I only get it once a day, with chick-hen!

Me from last Thursday, just chillin' in the front window. Plus I have been purring on mum. Somehow she got an infection in her toe! So hard to walk, toe red and swollen. She went to the doc and got pills to take too. So we both are doing pills these days. Her toe is pretty much better, she could even walk well enough to put on shoes and mow the lawn.

Feetsball Report

The Pack played in London yesterday. Which meant the game started early here, so mum did her laundry and watched the game. At first she didn't think she could watch the game but finally one of the local stations announced they would carry the game. Otherwise it was only the exclusive NFL network. She really didn't want to go hang out at a bar to watch the game. 

So much for winning. The Pack played well in the first half, not so good in the second. They have sorta done that all year. Oh well. Lots of peoples traveled to the game from both sides, so lots of cheering for both teams. 

Supposed to have some nice weather this week. Mum better open some windows for me.


  1. We're glad to hear that your issues are treatable, even though you have to ingest some icky stuff! We hope both your Mum are 100% better soon!

    The Chans

  2. Good news, Ducky...well, except for that having to take a 1/2 pill thing.
    Humans are so much easier to pill than cats, did you know that?

  3. I have been away and missed posts, but I am glad your results came back good.

  4. That’s great news about no cancer, Ducky. I hope the medicine you have to take makes the icky stuff go away. ~Ernie

  5. Phooey on the chick-hen Ducky. That's just for normal treats. If you've got to take tablets, then insist on prawns. (I think you call them shrimp.) Ask your mum to get you some green ones - you'll swallow that little tablet quick smart if you know you're gonna get some prawns after.

    Sydney, Australia


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