
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Three oversized and heavy, in terms of weight, books. 

The top two are by Paul McCartney, encompassing the lyrics he has written over the years. In alphabetical order, not chronological. Also, it does not include everything he has written, either with John Lennon or by himself. Also there are no musical CD's, so if you don't know the songs, you may need to find them on the internet. The Beatle era songs I knew and many of the solo and Wing era hits. It covers just over 150 songs.

Lots of pictures, drawings, so even though the two books are nearly 900 pages you keep moving!

 The bottom book, a retrospect on Bob Mackie's designing career. Mostly know for his work with Carol Burnett and Cher, he designed for many others. Costumes, performing gowns, and even some designs for men. Lots of pictures and the sketches he did of those designs. Lovely to see all of this as he is an amazing talent. 

Lovely to go through all three of these books.  

 Happy Reading.

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