
Monday, November 7, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

Kittens are born with their eyes shut. They open them in about six days, take a look around, then close them again for the better part of their natural lives. - Stephen Baker

Yeah, some days there isn't much to look at, or stuff I don't wanna see. Mum feels the same way lately with all of the poly-tick ads. Thank goodness election day is Tuesday. So if you live in Mericky and can vote, but haven't yet, go VOTE!

Mum has been recording most of her shows, then she can skip all of the ads. The other day she went out early in the evening. When she came home we watched a show on woody peckers. We see woody peckers in our yard at the feeders but not the one in this pic. The show interested me so much I actually got off of mum's lap to watch!

 Mum is doing good on her fall chores. A little more to cut down, so maybe a couple of days worth of work. Plus the leaves. At least the leaves are down now. We had a storm over the weekend. Lots of rain, 3 inches in our measuring thing. Plus wind for a long time and it was super strong, gusts over the 40-50 mph. 

Mum pulled the hour out of the clocks this weekend. She got them all done with the exception of the metal monster. She will change that one once she uses it again either today or tomorrow. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - PEEE UUUU. Stick a fork in them, they are done! Yeah they have had injuries, people that aren't super experienced, but ARodg isn't what he was in the past either. Mum says they should give the other guy Love a chance. ARodg is getting older and doesn't seem to be as good as he used to be. 

Crashcar finished yesterday too. Mum was happy cuz her favorite driver won the championship. WooHoo. Way to go Joey!

Have a good week and go vote!


  1. Dear Ducky, I watch that Woodpecker Show while lying on Lynn's legs. It was fun. And no ads on the PBS channel. We did not get rained on but we had that 50 mile an hour winds and some of it cleared the leaves off of our yard and some dump them in the back of the yard. They still had to be hand blown away.

  2. Dear me, Ducky...tomorrow's election cannot come soon enough!
    The stupid TV ads, the stupid mail, the stupid yard signs!
    The Hubby and I prefer to vote in person, 'cause it's a nice way to say hello to neighbors, and to thank the election workers.
    You know what: the first time I voted as an 18 year-old, I stepped into a box with a curtain, and moved levers like a prehistoric computer! Weird, huh?

  3. We loves all the woody woodpeckers we see now. AND What's up with the Pack? lol!

  4. Even though we are far away, we'll be keeping a close look at those election results too.

    Many of our trees haven't even lost their leaves yetm and we still haven't switched the central heating on!

    The Chans

  5. That's really pawsome BirdTV! Mom will vote tomorrow.

  6. Looks like you really enjoyed the woodpecker video.

  7. I think my cats would like that show.

  8. What an amazing bird ! That's a wonderful BirdTV channel ! Purrs


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