
Monday, November 14, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat. - Ellen Perry Berkeley

Yeah, I have a mum, not an owner! Mum loves me lots and I loves her back. It decided to be winter. It was all super nice through Thursday, then pow! All cold. 

Mum even got the pretty lights out for Christ-mouse while the weather was warm. She won't need to freeze her fingers to put them up. 

Mum has been good, getting the last of the leaves to the street and a final mowing. She still has one section left to do. This is what you see below. She needs to get this done, we are supposed to get white stuff on the ground this week.

 Here are the pics of the done sections. The back with the fevver feeders look purrty good. The side yard too but the pic is a bit foggy cuz of the window.

Snoopervising was exhausting. Mum worked so many days this last week to finish cutting stuff down, working the leaves and mowing. She will be happy when this is done and she can rest!

Later I sat on mum, she watched the feetsball game and worked on her latest blankie. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack -  the old coach showed up with a new team. For a while it looked liked they might win the game. The Pack came back to tie it at the end so they needed OT to figure it out. The Pack won! Ended their losing streak. Quick week, then next game is on Thursday night!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Your mum has got the yard looking nice and tidy.

  2. We kitty cats are the best supervisors ever. Of course when I look out the window and see Lynn doing stuff in the yard, I really don't understand what's going on until she's finished and can see the end product. Lynn really loves the color in your mum's new blanket. Precious

  3. Good job, Pack. Good job, Mom. Ducky, well ... napping and supervising is hard work, so we'll give you a Good Job Paws Up, too!

  4. Keep her working, Ducky!
    A tired human is a good human.

  5. Oooooh that's a lot of work! That cold weather even made it's way down to North Caroliney! And, yay, the Pack is back!

  6. Yeah I thought GB was gonna blow it again :) You really DID work hard! Great job!!

  7. TBT understands that we are all roommates here. We mean, he does some supportive stuff for us, but we do a lot of things he can't. We would like ta see HIM get up on top of the bookcases, for example! And he can't eat a mouse worth a darn... Mark's Mews

  8. If you were tired after snoopervising, Ducky, just imagine how tired your mum was actually doing the yard work.

    Sydney, Australia


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.