
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Welcome to November. Less than a week until election day. Maybe we will get a few days respite from ads before people start hammering away at the presidential race or complaining about this one!

Spook by Mary Roach, one of her researches into what happens to our souls when we die. Do they have weight? I think I have read all of her books now. I think the two on sex and cadavers were the most interesting.

Scotched, one of the installments of the Liss MacCrimmon series. Cute murder rom-com set in Maine. Someone going to expose this small town as a hot bed for murder, so she gets murdered.

 Baggage by Alan Cumming, the actor. This is his second memoir, the first, Not My Father's Son, dealt on his relationship with his father. This second is more on his early professional life. He has more to write about, he leaves off before he gets to his time on The Good Wife and other more recent projects. 

Last book, The Girl Behind the Wall, is a novel of identical sisters who get separated when the Berlin Wall is erected at short notice. One sister had entered East Berlin for a get together and been hospitalized with appendicitis on the day the wall went up. How they managed to stay in touch when it wasn't easy to stay in touch. 

That either means the book is boring and I should find a different book to read. Or, I need a nap!

 Happy Reading!


  1. In this house Lynn loves to read. In the evenings when I'm on her lap she tries to read holding her book one-handed. Precious

  2. #1 has started reading again after something of a break. Several French novels first but now she is reading "The Midnight Library" which she loves.

    The Chans

  3. "Spook" is on my tbr list. If a book isn't grabbing me, I'll quit it and start another. Sometimes, I leave that book on my tbr list, thinking I wasn't in the right place for the storyline (like it takes place in Winter while I'm reading in Summer), but am not afraid to add it to my 'did not finish' shelf.

  4. Put me down as one of the people who reads a book in preference to being social every time.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. I love that image! I needed a good laff today!


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