
Monday, December 5, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

A cat may look at a king. - English Proverb

I'll look at anyone I may choose. King, queen, knave, mum, whomever!

Mum has been fighting off a cold for the past week. She tried not to take a cold pill Caturday, it wasn't pretty. Even to the point she came to sleep in the reading chair so her head wasn't as clogged. She tested, she dosen't have the pandemic thingy.

Not doing much but she did get the little sparkly trees up from the dungeon yesterday. Plus she got the wreath on the outside door.

She also was saying bad words in the kitch-hen, seems the peanut brittle doesn't want to break up and is sticking to the sheet. It wasn't bad for the first few batches but it is getting worse. Mum fixed it by dumping the stuff out onto a special kind of paper coated with lots and lots of butter. Mum felt she lost her touch!

Feetsball Report

The Pack - mum went and watched the game with her money man and a few others. She got foods and drinks included. She made sure she had taken her cold pill so she wasn't sneazy and leaking gooey stuff. She came home with cookies too!

The game, The Pack beat Da Bears! Again. ARodg still owns them.

Have a good week everyone.


  1. Ducky, we're so glad your mom only had a bad cold and nothing worse. Of course sometimes a bad cold is the worst. Love your Christmas tree.

  2. Here's hoping your Mum feels better really soon, Ducky.

  3. Hope your mum soon feels better. I think after so long of trying to keep safe through the pandemic that we have lost a natural immunity to colds. The tree is pretty.

  4. Nice pics of you, Ducky! We're sorry the peanut brittle has been a source of frustration. We think it's so impressive that she makes it!

    The Chans

  5. Very nice tree. The cookies look good too.

  6. I like your sparkly tree, Ducky! Hope your mum is feeling better soon.

  7. Glorious pics of you with the tree, Ducky. I think your mum should use them for her Chrissy cards this year.

    Sydney, Australia


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