
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Last week on Friday I finished my 181st book, which was the total of last year. So a new record coming up? Can I hit 200?

This batch I got a bunch of books that were on my list with authors or series that I wanted to try. Mixed success.

The only book I actually made it through was An Amateur Corpse by Simon Brett. I had liked his Mrs Pargeter series and decided to try another written by him. I made it through the book, but it seemed so dated. The book was originally published in the 1970's and I guess I couldn't relate. No plans to read more in the series.

The others I didn't care for and since they were the first books in a series, I won't be going any further. Lots of books so if one doesn't catch your interest, just move on to the next one. With my long list of books to try, I doubt I will run out of books to read.

 Happy Reading!


  1. I have the entire Joe Grey series, and they aren't for everyone.
    If a book isn't grabbing you, put it aside and start another!

  2. My rule has always been that if a book hasn't grabbed m by page 35, that's it!

  3. I've read the Sherry Thomas books and quite enjoyed them. Far fetched, of course, but a bit of fun.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. TBT: I love those pics and the thoughts. Mom read to me often (and fancy stuff) and I developed a life-long love of books and words. Such things don't happen by happenstance...


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