
Monday, November 28, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat. - Jules Reynard

Just me sitting and doing a bit of bathing. Mum was watching the feetsball game, I ignored that and did my cleaning. 

 It was box weekend here. Three boxes showed up and two of them had stuff for me! Yep, mum now gets my food delivered. The other one had yarn for mum. Sheesh, she has a closet full of yarn but she always buys more. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack -  it was a crazy scoring game. The Eagles scored, we scored, kicks were missed. That was just the first half. Second half, ARodg finally admitted he was hurting enuf to get out of the game. The bad thumb, he finally admitted was broken. 

So the backup guy came in an promptly scored a touchdown with a throw. They got it close to one score but time ran out. Maybe it is time for some more Love!

Played much better in Prime Time this week, even if they did finally lose. 

Have a happy week. December starts later this week.


  1. Your mum can never have too much yarn, but I know you think the food is much more important.

  2. Ducky you look quite lovely taking your bath. And it sounds like you hit the jackpot with a box of cat food. And your mom hit the jackpot with a box of the most amazing colors of yarn.

  3. Boxes are always great fun but #1 also complains about having to flat pack and dispose of so many (she does leave some out for us!).

    The Chans

  4. How inconsiderate of your meowmy, Ducky...every box should have stuff for you in it!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.