
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 A trip to the library but no books, just movies. 

The Downton Abbey: A New Era was the new 2022 movie. I had seen it in the theater back in May, but wanted to see it again. I also like to see the extras that they usually have on most DVD's.

West Side Story I had seen at a friend's house earlier this year. The one thing I remembered was that it was hard to hear the dialog and I put that to the fact my friend doesn't really like higher volume. 

But no, even with my DVD player and TV sound turned up, and a sound bar, it still was hard to hear and understand the dialog. Music was fine. It got to the point I stopped the movie and turned on the sub-titles. 

Also, there were no extras on the DVD. No interview with cast, director etc. What a bummer!

My library has a nice selection of movies and TV shows on DVD, so I can catch up as needed.

Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. We all need to be thankful for what we have every day. 

Happy Reading!


  1. #1 just recorded the Downton Abbey movie and is planning to watch it soon!

    The Chans

  2. West Side Story was the answer to a Final Jeopardy question the other day!

  3. Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!

    BTW, I have a DVD of the new West Side Story, and the sound is fine. You may have gotten a bad recording. It happens. Well, with mass-production, you wouldn't think that would happen, but it does.

    I've noticed that my DVD volume varies among them. One seems normal at 45 and another only at 70. Worse, in some, the music is is loud and the narration much quieter. I suppose that may be deliberate for dramatic effect, but it is really annoying! Ken Burn's 'Baseball" is the worst about that.

  4. I've noticed that my DVD volume varies among them. One seems normal at 45 and another only at 70. Worse, in some, the music is loud and the narration much quieter. I suppose that may be deliberate for dramatic effect, but it is really annoying! Ken Burn's 'Baseball" is the worst about that.

    Mark's Mews


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