
Monday, December 12, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats come and go without ever leaving. - Martha Curtis

I'm always here! Well, unless mum hauls me off in the PTU to visit the stabby place. 

We got some snow which is already mostly melted. All the little fevvers were here to eat and Mr Hawk showed up too. Do you spot him in the tree? Upper right corner! He blended in well with the tree.

Mum finished her last batch of peanut brittle. She checked things out and used this special paper with butter spread all over it instead of the sheet thing. It worked well. She put it on top of the cooking thing which can take heat. She will do this going forward.

 Me, cuz, that is how quiet this past week has been. Mum didn't go anywhere as she got over her cold. Lots of sleeps for both of us. I napped, she readed, watched the moving picture box and crow-shayed.

Feetsball Report

There is none, the Pack took their week off. Mum didn't even watch any games! They don't play again until next Monday night!

Have a good week everyone.


  1. That is such a cute pic of you, Ducky!

    It's bitterly cold here and we may get some snow midweek!

    The Chans

  2. Our Hawk is here too watching for little birdies. You look nice and snuggly in your bed.

  3. Mr Hawk spends all his time here too. Last winter he took most of the small birds. This winter he has taken to hiding under the azaleas by the bird feeders so we have put chicken wire around them to give the little birds a chance.

  4. The hawk has terrific camouflage!
    Hope your mum is over her cold.
    We didn't get snow, but it's grey, grey, grey, and COLD.

  5. That's a beautiful yet scary birdie to see! He eats other birdies. Our Dad got to see Army and Navy play so that made up for no Pack this week. Give your Mum purrs and healing from us. xo Tommy and Teaghan

  6. A wonderful pic of you today Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia


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