
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Just two books, one hold for a new book and some reference material to read about WordPress. I've had issues with blogger over the summer, so have a backup work press blog. Same posts, just a new site. 

To Kill A Troubadour is the latest in the Bruno, Chief of Police series. I knew it was coming out and had put a hold on it before it was published. So I got to be the first to check out the books.

Happy Reading


  1. Reading is the bestest thing: it's a vacation, a schoolroom, a comedy club, a fog-covered moor, a time-machine, and a trip to outerspace!

  2. I tried using Word Press for another blog and found it extremely cumbersome and convoluted!

    I wish I could read more but right now, it's very, very limited, so stuff on my Kindle is accumulating!

  3. Not to boast ... but I'd have almost as many medals! LOL

    Sydney, Australia


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