
Monday, December 26, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause the most inconvenience. - Michael Stevens

Yeah, I was driving mum a bit crazy while she was trying to crochet over the weekend. I wanna sit on your lap mum, can I help it that I end up on top of the blankie too? 

Hope you all had a good Christ-mouse! We did, nice and quiet. Mum cooked too, so some yummy roast beast for both of us. Also, it you were affected by the cold that you were safe.

We had a few crazy days of winter. Super cold and mum bundled up anytime she went outside. This was when she came in on Friday from less than 10 minutes outside. She added water to the birdy bath and put more seed our for them to eat. She skipped shoveling the driveway until Caturday when it was slightly warmer, but not much. Even then she only was outside for 20 minutes all bundled up.

It was so cold the birdy bath froze too! Mum says it was like -35 F outside on Friday, so it was better to just stay inside.

Mum caught me messing with the fake flower thing. Sheesh, I though she was watching the feetsball game!

Feetsball Report

Finally a game on Sunday with a noontime start against The Fish in Miami and The Pack managed to win it so they are still in the hunt for a playoff spot. But they gotta win their next two games. Both games are at Lambeau, out in the cold. Provided it is cold!

Mum started to watch the next game too and the announcers had fun with wearing funky sweaters!


Everyone have a good week.


  1. Caught in the act, Ducky. Mums see everything!

  2. At Christmas dinner yesterday, I explained to my niece and nephews the infamous "Heidi Bowl", which they didn't seem to know about.
    The conversation began when my brother explained why he was watching Shirley Temple movies instead of the horrible 2nd half of the Detroit Lions game on Saturday.

  3. That does sound very, very cold. We hope it warms up soon!

    The Chans


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