
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 A quick trip for more goodies. If I am lucky I will hit 200 books this year, but my current read is over 600 pages! However the book is due back to the library next Tuesday.

While not officially part of the Bruno, Chief of Police series, Bruno's Challenge is a series of short stories with that character. Perhaps stories that couldn't be worked into a longer novel.  

Spirits and Sourdough by Bailey Cates is the latest in the Magical Bakery series. 

The Long Goodbye by Patti Davis is a memoir of her relationship with her father, Ronald Reagan, as he developed Alzheimer's in his final years.

Hello, Transcriber is a police based mystery which didn't catch my interest, didn't finish the book. 

Life from Scratch by Vanessa Lachey, yes the actress. How she has created her own family traditions since she grew up in a broken family.  

Sometimes people just want to start a conversation. You would rather just read!

 Happy Reading.


  1. Thank you for your books; I'm always adding to my TBR list.
    May I suggest "Sourdough" by Robin Sloan?
    I enjoyed it, and I've read every other book written by this author, who has a lightly comical writing style, while weaving some good storylines.

  2. "Life From Scratch" sounds interesting. No longer having an immediate family, I am always interested in what others do to celebrate when things are no longer "normal".

  3. Haha that's so true - people glance at the book and say that ALL THE TIME. Must be Murphy's law or something. lol. We are wishing we had some snow that kept us stuck inside so we could finally sit down and read a book from cover to cover! On our list to do as soon as the holidays are over. Either that or start getting up a 5am. :-) Happy reading and stay warm!

  4. Mark's Mews: TBT has a habit of reading the book titles behind the from-home guests on political talk shows. Sometimes they are very unusual.


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