
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

We have made it to February and a milestone. I started these book posts last year on February 2. Lots of books posted about and I hope that those of you who have seen these posts have perhaps found a few books to read. 

Also, as a part of the Cat Blogosphere because of Ducky, I am taking part to post about goodness, kindness, caring.

 For this first one is the sharing of my love of reading with all of you. The books and other stories we like to share.

Strawberried Alive, the latest installment of the Cupcake Bakery Mystery Series. Is someone trying to kill our favorite baker? 

The Scottie Barked at Midnight is the latest of the Liss MacCrimmon mystery series. Dancing and murder with the dogs.

What the Cat Dragged is the latest of the Cat in the Stacks mystery. Charlie and Diesel find a skeleton in an old house he inherits. Who is it?

The Replacement Wife and Weather Girl were two books I didn't get into. I read some of The Replacement Wife, plus the end. Was a bit intense for me. Weather Girl I couldn't get into, more of a romance book and I'm not a big reader of romance.

I was able to read 11 books in January. Not a huge amount but more than enough to keep me occupied when not doing other things and not feeling like I have to rush through a book. Last January it was 23! I also went through my list of books and pulled out some of the ones that are new authors or new series by authors I like. See if I want to continue or not.

Happy Reading.


  1. We really like the February Challenge! Eleven books is about nine more than #1 read in January!

    The Chans

  2. The February Challenge is great! We're pawticipating too.

  3. Hmm, I'll have to check my Goodreads stats for the # of books completed in January. Have just picked up four new-to-me books, and am devouring them as fast as I can...darn having a full-time job; gets in the way of my reading.

  4. We have picked up on ome good recommendations from you ! Thanks !

  5. Mark's Mews: TBT: I am starting to re-read Tolkien's 'The Silmarillion'. Smithsonian magazine had an article about Tolkien recently, so I thought I would re-enjoy the book.

  6. It's an absolutely wonderful day when I'm 'forced' to choose between two or more books that I'd like to read. Absolutely wonderful.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Ahh, the book choice conundrum. Good to be back for a bit, but I miss the time I used to spend with our old girl in here. Stay warm!


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