
Monday, July 31, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose. - Garrison Keillor

  Hmm, I thinks I have a purpose. It is to look good and get love. I think I do a fantastic job at it too!

 We had some big thunder boomer storms on Friday night. We didn't get any damage here, we didn't lose power either. Mum is thankful for both of those things. What was good was that the heats and humidity went away. That meant open windows for us this weekend. 

Mum ordered more yarns! Sheesh, she has a closet full of yarns. She saw the bottom kit and wanted it just for the pattern. She said it was on reduced price and the one thing of green and gold yarns got her super low shipping cost. She has already made two hats on Sunday. 

 So we had a good week and me and mum hope you have a good week too.


  1. Of course cats have a purpose! It is to love and be loved and companionship.

  2. Well, Ducky - I think everything in nature does have a purpose. When it comes to cats, though, we dumb humans just haven't figured the purpose out, although some of us are beginning to suspect that the purpose of cats is World Domination!

    Sydney, Australia

    PS. Ducky - it's a well-known fact: you can NEVER have too much yarn. Okay?

  3. Obviously, that Keillor dude isn't a cat lover...harrumph!

  4. Our very presence in the human's lives is a most important purpose!

    #1 isn't a yarn lady but she says that it seems to be something of an addiction!

    The Chans

  5. We think we have a purpose too. It is to make Beins focus on something other than themselves, care for us, enjoy our special existence in their lives, and clean litterboxes.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.