
Monday, July 17, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Cats are kindly masters, just so long as you remember your place.- Paul Gray 

Yeah, and mum's place is to be available so I can sit on her. Plus while I sit on her she must give me pets, cuddles and all sorts of other loves. 

Me and mum watching the basey ball game on Sunday. Our team is doing pretty good this year. Hope they keep it up, they are in first place right now. 


Just chilling in the front window, with the hots and bad air mum hasn't had the windows open much lately. 

 Yes mum, I see you taking another movie of me. Yes I am handsome and all, but really? Now? While I am trying to do my best to keep my appearance in tip top shape?

We even got to watch all of the basey ball game on Sunday. CrashCar got rained out and I guess they will try to race today. Mum is having lunch with Miss Kellie, so she may not see the entire race. 

We did get a good rain this past week so things are looking OK, but mum says things aren't growing that fast to use the grass eater for a while. 

Everyone have a good week. 




  1. Lovely pics and videos of you, Ducky. You look fab!

    The Chans

  2. Looking good, Ducky!
    We have windows closed too; on top of Old Smoky 'round here.

  3. Moms have no respect for our privacy.

  4. Ducky, you sure have a good life. A Mom to sit on (and who loves you). Sports on TV. A great window perch.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.