
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

First of all Ducky wants to thank all of you who purred and prayed for the race car driver. SHE, Sam, was released from the hospital on Monday. Nothing broken, no internal injuries, but very sore. Worried about possible spinal injury and internal injuries since she took a hard lateral hit on the passenger side of the car. Below is the car, they cut the top off to get her out. I saw a video of the incident, video was from the car behind her. She got spun around and pretty much hit the cement barrier full on with the right side of the car. It also happened on the first lap of the race, so the cars were well bunched together yet too.

It is rare to get an accident this bad, but it shows how well all of the safety stuff works. That is part of what I do is to make sure that the driver is properly belted in before going out on the track. Cars can be replaced,sheet metal and fiberglass can be fixed but humans can't be replaced. I've talked to her at other races, she is a nice person. Hope to see her in the future at the track.

On to books and reading stuff during this hot weather and poor air quality. Good time to just be inside and read books.

The Murder of Mr. Wickham has the author bringing all of Jane Austen's couples into the same place at a house party. You have the long married Elizabeth and Darcy to others who are newly married. An uninvited Mr Wickham shows up and he seems to have some shady deals going on and possibly blackmail. He ends up dead. The oldest son of Darcy and another single female guest take to investigating.

The Great Stewardess Rebellion outlines the battles that stewardesses, now flight attendants, fought to get equal pay, ending restrictive policies by the airlines and eventually forming their own union. Lots of court cases using the 1964 Civil Rights act, primarily Title VII and other laws based on discrimination.

The Jane Austen Society a novel based on one of the last homes author Jane Austen lived in. A diverse group of people, some local, but includes a Hollywood start strive to save the house and contents from being dispersed by the hand of fate. Some interesting twists!

Fly Girl a memoir by a former flight attendant. She flew from 1978 to 1986 on TWA, doing domestic and international flights. Covers the training, schedules and duties that they had to do while on duty. Her time included what was the beginning of the end for TWA. 

Happy Reading.


  1. Books and cats...yeah!
    Cats knocking books out of your hands...well, it's just cute.

  2. Thanks for the update n the driver - glad she seems to be ok.

  3. TBT: Back when I used to read incessantly, I usually had a cat sitting on my lap.

  4. I'm pretty good at Book Yoga as I like reading while I'm lying down.

    Sydney, Australia


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