
Monday, May 13, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 The phrase domestic cat is an oxymoron. - George F. Will 

Hope everyone had a nice mum's day. Me and mum did too. Just sorta chilled out at home. Mum did one chore, she washed my beddy since I yakked up on it. 

 All nice and clean and I was back inside it in a few hours. It was nice and warm during the day, so I really didn't need my heated bed. While it was being washed I hung out with mum. 

Mum got the griller machine going over the weekend too. Burger and taters on Caturday and grilled beast and eggy plant. Yep, I got some.

We didn't see any lights in the north this weekend like many others. One night we had clouds and all nights we have a guy living behind us who keeps lights on all the time and it makes it hard to see stars and other stuff in the sky. Mum has asked him why they are on all the time and they are not on a switch where he can turn them off.

Hope all of you have a good week!


  1. Ducky, what is with those neighbor's lights? That's just weird, and a botheration too.

  2. Ducky, ya look so happy in yer freshly-washed bed! Strange about the neighbor's lights though. TBT has the same problem with lights here. But here it is because we are only a half-mile from a highway lined with businesses (lit all night for security reasons) AND the whole region is also over-lit.

  3. Ducky - what are you doing yakking up on your bed? Couldn't you get to the carpet in time? That's what carpet is for, silly!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. I'm glad you have a freshly cleaned bed, and sorry the guy keeps the lights on all of the time. Some people think it's safer, but it really isn't.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.