
Monday, May 20, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Intelligence in the cat is underrated. - Louis Wain 

HA! We is way smarter than you think, you underestimate our smarts. We can out think you humans! 

Another quiet week here, weather was nicer so more open windows. I like that. I got to snoopervise the guys who came to take away mum's pile of brush. 

They were efficient and didn't leave much of the little stuff either. 

Mum also got her planter boxes ready and planted. She can't find the correct size liners, so she has improvised with garden cloth. 

Line the basket, fill with dirt and plant the plants! Plus the big tire thingy with plants too. 

I'm taking next Monday off. It is a holly-day, so I don't need to work. Actually I've been thinking of retiring from blogging. I don't have much to say, so.... Just thinking for now. 

Have a happy week or two.


  1. Looks like Mom did some good work with the planters! TBT is filling ten 10 gallon pots with a 50/50 mix of topsoil and compost.. Six for heirloom tomatoes and four for bi-color corn every week apart in maturity. And flat italian pole beans growing up the corn.

  2. Excellent job of snoopervising, Ducky.
    We understand, but we'd miss you terribly.
    Maybe post once a week? How am I going to know what your Meowmy is reading?

  3. I would miss you if you went away .....

  4. Don't you dare! We would miss you and your mom terribly.

  5. Don't you dare! We would really miss hearing from you and your mom...

  6. Looks like your mum has been working hard. I hope you don't stop blogging because I will miss you. There aren't many of you left now who started before we did.

  7. I like it when workers are efficient and do a good job.

    My black thumb salutes your mom and her planter boxes.

  8. Please please please don't stop blogging Ducky. Cat blogs are simply The Best thing about the internet. They are a means of connecting people around the world who just need a break from 'reality' to sit for a few minutes and smile and look at pictures of gorgeous cats and read about what they're thinking and doing. Please please please don't stop.

    Sydney, Australia


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.