
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Happy May! I have a run to the library planned for today. By going today I can pick up the new copy of Book Page. It is my main spot for finding new books to read. Not that I don't have any books to read! My list is about 150 books which is a year's worth of book. 

Weather is getting nicer, plus that means outside work. Fun stuff like mowing the lawn. Lots of rain, so the grass is all nice and green.

Over the first third of the year I have read 38 books, several of which have been longer non-fiction works. Maybe I can relax and read more fun fiction in the coming weeks and months.

The Wars of the Roses the continuing story of the monarchs of England. Takes up after the Plantagent rulers with the battles for control over the English throne by two rival branches, York (white rose) and Lancaster (red rose). Ultimately the throne ends up with Henry Tudor, who inherited the Lancaster claim and marriage to Elizabeth of York. His son, Henry VIII, would be the first monarch in decades to inherit the throne, versus fighting a rival for it.

Whatever Next? is a memoir by Anne Glenconner who served as a lady-in-waiting to Princess Margaret. She has previously published a book about her lady-in-waiting days and this book covers the rest of her life. Author is now 90 years old!

The Personal Librarian is the fictionalized story of Belle de la Costa Greene. She was the personal librarian to J. P. Morgan and after his death continued as librarian and then director of the Pierpont Morgan Library.

Shielded a study on how law enforcement officers are so difficult to sue or be held criminally or civilly accountable for their actions. 

Happy Reading.



  1. happee reedin two mum anda happee week a head two ewe dood,
    purrhapz ewe could reed sum oh de books bye garfield 😺😺‼️ N joy
    yur day anda perch pizza pie ‼️🐟💙

  2. It's such a good day when a lot of reading gets done.

  3. I enjoy Marie Benedicts books. Was this one good?

  4. My dad says he's right there with this last one. He and mom discovered a different, better library within the Bucks County Library system last weekend. The one right here in New Hope is okay, but it's small and the humans can be kinda snotty. The one they explored is about a half hour away but is bigger, more user-friendly and the people are way, way friendlier.

  5. Got to admit that I will read any British Monarch history that I can get my hands on!


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