
Monday, June 10, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don't come home at night. - Margaret Mead 

Well, I am home at night. Cuz I don't go anywhere unless mum makes me go, like the stabby place. Now even if I am home sometimes she wonders where I am!

Had a little excitement this past week. Early Friday AM, like 1 AM, the stoopy fire detector thingy decided to go off, and keep going off for a couple of minutes. Mum investigated, no fire. Then it did it again, twice in the evening. Mum called the fire department!

A big fire truck came, ambulance too, three hunky fire guys. They did a really good check and no fire either. Mum had them take the misbehaving smoke beeper with them! Plus one of them noticed me and asked about me. Thanks!

Mum got a few pics of me on the sly. I was napping so nice behind her and I hear a click. The flashy box, let me have my nap in peace lady!


Mum got the griller machine going on Sunday. Her faves, steak and eggyplant. Yum. Plus she did some shrimps but forgot to take a pic. Yep, I got some little tastes. Nom, nom, nom! Delish.

So, I actually have something to report this week!

You all have a good week.


  1. That was annoying about the smoke alarm, but it is always better to check out why it was beeping. Bonus for your mum seeing those hunky firemen!

  2. Too disruptive, Ducky!
    As I was hanging out with hunky firemen last week during our power outage, I know exactly how your meowmy felt...*wink*

  3. dood…thatz de kinda actshun ya can due with out….glad nothin waz wrong N glad
    ya getted sum fresh lee seered reel live dead shrimpz 💙🐟😺‼️

  4. Those fire alarm thingies can save lives but when they give a false alarm it is a nuisance. I hope there's a new one at your house, just for safety.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.