
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

The hots are here, temps in the 90s and humid. Only outside for minimal periods. I got the lawn mowed last week when it was cooler and it likely won't need it again until next week. 

Lots of time to read, plus trying to keep the tendonitis in my hip from flaring up even more. Something I have had for many  years and usually goes away in a day or two. Not this time. Gentle exercise, sitting properly and some PT in the future, but it takes three weeks to get an appointment. 

I did find out that the librarian who left the library wanted to get into being a children's librarian and found a position elsewhere. He was working in the adult area at our library. His wife is a doctor, so he has the ability to change jobs and even work part time. 

I worked my way through my TBR, made sure what I had on it was available. Also checked my author list for new books, which added a few more goodies. My list is not getting shorter!

Daisy Darker is a page turner. The Darker family is gathering at the family home to celebrate Nana's 80th birthday. The family home is on a tiny tidal island and access is cut off during all but low tide. Think Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None.

Going Zero, another thriller. Cy Baxter has developed software that can track down anyone. The CIA and Homeland Security wants a test to see that it really works. Ten people are chosen to "go zero" or disappear. If they can evade detection for 30 days they get 3 million tax free. Can it be done? A delightful twist midway through the book!

The First Ladies is historical fiction relates the friendship that developed between Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary McLeod Bethune. A unique friendship at the time as Bethune was the daughter of former slaves, devoting her life to civil rights and improved education rights. 


I am an old lady, well, sort of. I have books in my house and a library full of them as well. I know last week many of you picked free books for life. That is what my library is for, free books. 


Happy Reading.


  1. darker daisy does sound like a good book!

    dood, ewe N mum stay chillax…de weatherz iz crazed iznt it 🥵🥵
    eat plentee oh frozen fizh stix anda happee week a head 😺‼️

  2. Am a fan of Alice Feeney; Daisy Darker was not one of her finest, but it was a page-turner!

  3. The list never gets shorter, it can't, too many people keep writing great books!

  4. Dad, ever the book lover, has started 3 this past week and gave up on all of them. He looked over what's left of the 10 he picked up on his last trip to the library, but decided none of them looked interesting any longer. He does that.

  5. I picked up The Senator's Wife from the library yesterday. I hope to be able to start reading it shortly. Got a couple of others ahead of it in the queue.

    Sydney, Australia


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