
Monday, July 29, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Most beds sleep up to six cats. Ten cats without the owner. - Stephen Baker 

Me and mum have lots of room cuz it is only the two of us. I like to put myself on her pillow, draped across the top of her head. My tail, well I try to get that across her face. I manage to get their and not even wake her up!

The hots and humids are back for now. That means no open windows. Mum is bummed about the no open windows too, but she doesn't do well in this type of weather. She will be happy when it goes away. 

Mum caught me snoozing on her lap the other day, you can sort of see my tooth too. 

Mum and I have been watching some of 'Lympics. Swimming, horsies jumping, men and ladies flying around and jumping. Mum mainly just watches the important stuff they put on in the evening. 

I amember way back in 2012 I competed too in the Cat 'Lympics. I won a gold medal in the high jump! You don't believe me? Well go here and see the original post, along with the video of my jump!

Since I am 12 years older than I was back then I don't do the jumping like I used to. Mum makes sure I have things where I can jump to a lower spot, then to the higher spot. Like the kit-chen chair seat, then to the table. Then it is an easy walk to the counters. The sleepy spot isn't that high so I can get their without help, for now. 

You all have a grate week.



  1. The Cat 'Lympics were fun. The boys took part too

  2. Ah yes. We're all making accommodations as we age....

  3. Hot and sticky here too, Ducky.

  4. I hope the hots go away soon for all of us. Enjoy the Olympic games!

  5. dood ‼️‼️ yur oh lympicz moovee iz just de best…gold for sure…eye liked
    de moove frum de …curree oh ….two de curtin rod ๐Ÿ˜บ๐Ÿ˜บ๐Ÿ˜บ ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŸ

  6. The bonus of putting yourself on the pillow and being right up close to your mum's face is that you can then breathe big fat fishy breath on her. I'm sure she loves that!
    Sydney, Australia


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