
Monday, August 5, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Her function is to sit and be admired. - Georgina Strickland Gates 

 Yeah, I am a handsome lad. Mum tells me that all the time!

 The hots are still here, but the weather guessers are saying they are going away in another day. I hope so, cuz I want open windows. Mum wants it cuz she really needs to use the grass eater. 

Mum got another fishy fry last week and you better believe she shared it with me. She had some shrimps one day too. Yep, I got tastes. 

Here are all of the hats mum made this summer to give away so peoples can keep their ears all warm. These go to the same place the blankies go. 

Then she has been working on these pink things, something to do with polly-ticks. You may be seeing them on your humans soon. Beware. 

Mum says they are pussy hats and yeah, that is mum under that hat.

Have a good week everyone!


  1. Good for your mum making those pussy hats! I hope lots of people wear them.

  2. Yes, are magnificent!
    Your meowmy is so talented, and the color of the pussy hats is spectacular!

  3. You are handsome. Your mum is so talented and kind.

  4. You are a handsome guy, Ducky. I hope you got a little taste of fish.

  5. doodz….yur fotoz bee total lee rockin awesum lee kewl and pawz UP two mum for thoz hatz her made….we noe who ever getz one iz gonna bee a happee campurr 😺‼️💙🐟

  6. Great pics of you again today Ducky. Keep 'em coming.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. You are admirably handsome and hooray for your mama, making the blankies and hats to give away. I'm sure they will be appreciated.


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