
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Hey if you leave a comment about a book you are reading, please tell us know what that book is! Eastside Cats, that means you! Always curious and maybe I might want to read it too.

I survived the excessive heat warnings locally for the past two days. About the only time I stuck my nose outside was to grab the mail from the box, which is just outside the door. Getting cooler with less humidity the next few days. 

Next week it is really supposed to cool off which is good as the public schools are back in session next week. Some of the private schools started this week and then cancelled classes because of the heat. Most schools around here do not have air conditioning.

The first blanket done since spring. After I did my knitting bit I was in the mood to grab the crochet hook. Plus the weather was a bit cooler so not so bad to have a lap full of yarn. I was getting my oil changed at the dealer last week, another lady was knitting a sweater. I just had a book along to read while I waited.


A Deadly Dedication, book 4 of the Open Book Mysteries. It's Penelope's first Guy Fawkes Day in the UK. She joins friends for the evening of bonfires and fireworks. After dumping the trash she literally stumbles over a dead body. It's the guy who wants to open a shop to sell gourmet foods, which would cut into the local shop's business. Was it natural causes or murder?

Being Henry a nice memoir by Henry Winkler. On his career and life, the ups and downs of being an actor. Easy read.

Anne Boleyn & Elizabeth I a recounting of mother and daughter, queen consort and queen regnant. Two women who were both way ahead of their times. Showing leadership as women in a man's world. Being feminist long before that word was in use.

Happy Reading.


  1. I was holding back because I didn't want to impose, but since you've asked...Just finished "The Assistant to the Villain" and "The Apprentice to the Villain" (book 3 out next year), plus "The Lost Bookshop" and "Little, Crazy Children" which is a true crime story.
    Have always been a fan of Elizabeth I, maybe because of the really old movie, "The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex" with Bette Davis and Errol Flynn. And I studied British History in college, so I am drawn to books about the royal family , etc. ;-)

  2. dood…thatz one pawsum blankit mum made for ewe 😺‼️💙💚 de colorz will make yur coat …way awesum stand out….( hint ) de miss tree book soundz grate…
    hotter N soundz like swell heer thiz week….wearz fall time all redddy 🥵🥵 happee week a head

  3. What beautiful colors in that blanket for sure! It's gotten cooler here as well, and dad's already bitching about the coming colder weather. For what it's worth, he'd recently finished "The House of Last Resort" and recommended it to mom, who literally just finished it herself. It's a novel about possession & catacombs and stuff and he says it's really good. Today's the day dad heads to one of the better local branches to grab a stack of good reads to last a few weeks.


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