
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Interesting past week. On Saturday I turned on the TV and NOTHING! No signal and finally got a technician here on Monday to sort it out. Seems some critter had been digging and eating the cable! They should make those cables not so tasty! You can see the new cable looped, a company will come and bury it in the next week.

You can see how chewed up it is. The other multi-strand copper wiring is the ground for my emergency generator, which is not energized at all. I figured squirrels etc. but yesterday I had a groundhog waltz across the patio to this spot. So seeing the piled up rocks, I figure it was the ground hog who did this. Will need to talk to my pest control guy about what to do to prevent this happening again.

Needless to say with two days and no TV I got lots of reading done!

The Book of Cocktail Ratios, see another book below by the same author on cooking ratios. Cocktails are by nature a ratio of liquor and mixes. Although Wisconsin's favorite cocktail, brandy old fashioned, is not included. I'll let my local bartender mix things for me!

Little, Crazy Children is a true crime story. Teenager Lisa Pruett is killed by stabbing in a backyard near her boyfriend's house. Evidence collected don't point to the boyfriend and police look to find someone who can fit the evidence. The selected suspect is found not guilty on trial. Did the police do a good job? Did they truly follow all the leads, push her teenage friends on their stories? Interesting book.

The Fury author is the one who wrote The Silent Patient. A story of murder in five acts. Close friends, a spouse, a son, a lover and few others are on a private Greek island. Elliot is a writer and the narrator. Is he making this up or relating what actually happened.

Ratio: Simple Codes behind the Craft of Everyday Cooking. Most experience cooks and bakers use weight rather than measurement for their ingredients. So the ratio method of using so many parts of flour, water, sugar, eggs etc to get the basic batter or dough. Then adding in all the variations to make it better. Cookies, add chips or nuts. I don't do that much scratch cooking or baking, but this was an interesting read. 


Although my friends are all into books too! So that is a good thing. 

Right now I am a Chaotic Good. Using an appointment card.

Happy Reading.


  1. yeow dood…wunder if what chewed upon de cablez….still among de lvin πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€‼️heerz two a grate week endπŸ’™πŸŸπŸ’™

  2. I remember my grandmother giving me a recipe and saying "the size as you eye it" about the ingredients. It did not get me very far!

  3. Ooh, a couple of your titles are going on my TBR list...thanks!

  4. The critters need to keep their teeth worn down and chew on anything and everything to do it. It's crazy. And don't fall for the "put Tabasco on it and it will burn when they chew it and so avoid it." They're all secretly Cajuns and love Tabasco, it draws them in (really, especially the squirrels, they seem to love the stuff).

    I hope your exterminator can come up with a solution,

  5. Hee hee, dad likes the bookish problem one. Mom does the dog-ear thing (shame on her!), but dad has his trusty old well worn bookmark that mom made him. Your cable problem reminded dad of a time years ago when he was a maintenance tech and got calls, especially after hours, from people who lost cable, air conditioning, etc.. After checking everything over he'd occasionally find that landscapers, not pests, chewed through wiring with their weed whackers.


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