
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday


Made it to the first Wednesday of October. Fall has arrived, nice weather, minimal rain. Time for me to start getting the yard and flower beds cut back, but that can wait until next week to start that. 

Watching at least some of the baseball playoffs. Local team, Milwaukee Brewers, are playing in the first round against the New York Mets. My team lost the first game on Tuesday, second game is Wednesday. Watch

Ducky will have his semi-annual vet visit today. Another new vet as the last one left. I hope to get some continuity here. 

I skipped the political debate. No need to raise my blood pressure when there are lies and non-answers. 

My two library friends and I did a trivia night at a local establishment on Monday night. It was run by a group that goes from bar to bar on certain nights. Works out to 60 questions, plus a lightning round. We did OK, I think third place and it was fun to get out and exercise our brains. Our weak points were movie sequels and stuff about Taylor Swift. 

Good Bad Girl mothers and daughters, relationships over time. A stolen baby twenty years ago and a current murder. The crimes are related: three suspects, two murders and one victim. Lots of twists and turns, a pager turner.

Collision of Power author served as the executive editor of The Washington Post from January 2013 through February 2021. Significant happenings during this time included the purchase of the paper by Jeff Bezos and the Trump presidency. Resurgence of the paper during this time period and the increased on line presence. Interesting to read the behind the headlines of the Post, Bezos and Trump issues.

Broken Code relates our Facebook and other Meta apps said one thing, but did another. Were they actually keeping us safe or peddling hate and anger. Allowing the VIPs of the world to violate codes of standards, while the rest could not. Whistleblowers and others come to the public, congress and Wall Street to open our eyes. Interesting read, but something in the author's style of writing made it hard to read at times. 


Happy Reading.


  1. Have had Good Bad Girl on my TBR list for awhile; I'll move it up towards the top. Have enjoyed several Alice Feeney books
    Didn't know about National Book Month, so thanks for the info.

  2. trivia night sounds like a lot of fun. ‼️. usually the simplest question is the one I can answer 😺

    N dood, pawz crossed buddy all goez well two day and ya get a grate ree port and sum seered perch when ya get home 💙💚🐟😺

  3. Thanks for recommending Collision of Power. Sounds good!

  4. We hope the new Vet is wonderful! We went through years of a good vet, a year of a bad one and now have a good one again.

  5. I think you and your friends should feel proud that you don't know a lot about movie sequels or Taylor Swift!

    Sydney, Australia


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